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Test and Tag

All electrical equipment has to be safe and needs to be tested to the Australian Standards (AS/NZ 3760).

Regulations ensure that equipment continues to operate safely and depending on the type of environment, testing needs to be performed every 3, 6, 12 or 24 months. Some industries like construction, demolition and mining require 3 monthly checks. Other industries do not have legislative requirements but employers have a duty of care to ensure that workers and visitors are safe and protected from electrical injury. As a home owner you also want to be sure that your family is safe. Here are the testing frequencies required and recommended for other workplace establishments:-

  • Every onsite assembly – amusement rides (and then every 6 months afterwards)
  • 3 months – construction, demolition & mining industries
  • 6 months: factories, warehouses and production
  • 12 months: environments where the equipment/supply cord is prone to flexing or open to abuse
  • 5 yearly: other environments where the equipment/supply cord is not prone to flexing or open to abuse

Testing and tagging electrical equipment is done in two ways. Firstly, we make a visual inspection of the equipment, leads, cable insulation and plugs. Next, the equipment is tested with a portable appliance tester (PAT) to check for hidden dangers like voltage leakage, polarity, earthing problems & insulation. If the equipment passes the safety test, we will tag it with details of the date, time and person who tested it as well as when it needs to be tested again in the future.

We regularly test and tag all types of industrial equipment, plus the following:-

  • Electrical cords
  • Power Tools
  • Computers & Monitors
  • Laptop chargers
  • Single Phase & 3-Phase
  • Plugs & Extension Leads
  • Microwaves & Kitchen equipment
  • RCD Safety Switches
  • Fire Extinguishers & Hoses

Call us now on (07) 3378 5525 for advice or to make a booking for us to pay you a visit.