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Professional & reliable electrical solutions

Some frequently asked questions and our answers are below

Please contact us if you need more information.

Our sports field has some trouble with the flood lighting. Can you help us?

We can sort out your flood light problems. Check out our gallery to see some pictures of recent flood light jobs.

Our water heater needs replacing. Can you help?

We certainly can and we will work with your requested plumber or arrange one that we usually work with.

Does your company follow Health & Safety policies?

Yes, most definitely! We constantly update our policies to ensure we are up to date on the latest legislation and changes in the electrical industry. We are fully licensed (QLD Electrical License Number: 53471, Austel Licensed (now called Licensed Data Cabler or ACMA qualification) and Refrigerant Trading Authorisation Number AU29905 ARC Ticked).

I bought a really cool vintage lamp but it's not working. Can you help?

Yes we can and we will ensure it adheres to modern safety standards.

I am in the process of buying a small factory. Can you do a safety inspection on the cabling and check out the equipment?

Please call our office to let us know the address and we will come out to have a look. Industrial safety equipment inspections and test and tag are one of our specialities.

Our shop has been burgled for the second time so we've bought some security cameras. When can you install them please?

We would love to help you and we can install your new cameras as soon as you book in your job.

Can you sort out our factory air-con which I think needs replacing and we also have one roof fan which is really high up and needs attention.

No problem! We do a lot of industrial work so please call us and we will gladly visit your factory to see what needs to be done.

What areas do you travel to? We are in Greenslopes.

You will see our vans all over Brisbane. We service Brisbane’s CBD, all over South East Queensland and you’ll even sometimes see us interstate and overseas, depending on the project.